As Google and Bing have both extended their deadlines for standard text ads and destination URLs - DevHub is on the front lines with advertisers.
Product managers are now deciding which approach is better for expanded text ad requirements. The choices - 1) continue with hacks and javascript workarounds or 2) migrate to a platform that not only allows for flexible URLs but also creates opportunities to expand other product initiatives. Daniel Rust Chief Technical Officer of DevHub found four solutions for Google’s ETA requirements and a fifth being the traditional subdomain. DevHub’s tech team focused on destination URLs initially Rust explains, “Google organic search and AdWords policies are always top of mind for us. This has included matching Display URLs with Destination URLs when managing campaigns."
Product managers/ advertisers have the opportunity to help their text ads work harder. At DevHub we are ahead of the curve, having already built in new Google expanded text requirements for URLs into the platform and templates. Utilizing DevHub Proxy for this offers product managers immediate use of the expanded text ads across all devices.
Managing these proxied sites from one centralized hub also allows for product managers to seize opportunities to execute on their product road maps - from landing pages to vertical solutions.
“If you realize that you can manage more than one solution from DevHub - why would you not start with Google and Bing requirements for Text Ads - then use us for the rest of your product,” says Mark Michael DevHub’s CEO/ co-Founder. “We never wanted to build a company that was scared of what Google was going to do next - we have that company now - and our customers do too,” MM concluded.