For users that are trying to create useful, profitable sites for their endeavors, paying a monthly cost makes it that much harder.
Secondly, while DevHub does offer similar site editing and content management tools to current online solutions, the power of the DevHub platform is in its aggregation and distribution system, allowing us to hook in via APIs to a wide range of content and monetization partners. These integrations are then placed in modules in the editor for users to place on their site to enhance their content and revenue-generation capabilities. As an aggregated ecosystem of developers, we are often able to bring onboard exclusive partners or deals that would typically not be available to the individual developer.
Our site builder is organized by columns and module blocks. Others use templates that are very rigid to what the template allows. Within our development environment you can change headers, colors and nanvigation items that better suit your user experience. You also have access to reporting tools which give you detailed analytics.
Current partner API integrations provide users access to exclusive affiliate offers, local directories, products, property listings, job listings, photos, videos, RSS feeds, and site search. We have a dedicated business development and API integration team constantly bringing on new partnerships and integrations for users of our platform. By using DevHub's free website builder you are able to rapidly develop 10 sites at a time while maintaining quality and reporting. DevHub provides users access to monetization channels, which have been absent from all WYSIWYG/ CMS editors of yester-year.