Producing More Landing Pages Increases Conversions

August 23, 2017

Simply put...if your agency is not generating more landing pages - consider not renewing next contract.

Why should you incorporate more landing pages into your marketing strategy?

Having more landing pages is proven (time and time again) to increase conversion rates, reduce bounce rates, and open more marketing opportunities for brands.

According to a source* - businesses with 10-15 landing pages have increased conversions by 55% over businesses with less than 10 landing pages. These conversions increase by over 500% for businesses with more than 40 landing pages.

Not only will more landing pages help you gain conversions, but it also allows you to deploy targeted offers that match your customers’ search query, display ad and/ or re-targeting campaign.

But How Do You Manage/ Build More Landing Pages Without Having to Spend $$$$$$ on Creative? And the back and forth with Client? 

RallyMind! allows leading product and marketing managers to deploy landing pages to match their customers keyword campaigns. 

Here is how…


  1. Utilizing a client’s existing site RallyMind can “TRACE” look and feel to match brand standards instantly.
  2. Matching conversion goals w/ Campaign goals is baked in (GTM - no problem)
  3. Keywords to Dynamically Replace Call to Action on Each Landing Page 

Example - Large Bike Brand

Consumer does a search for “Best City Bike,” (your ad pops up)...we know the consumer is in Seattle so the landing page dynamically deploys Best City Bike Seattle branded to the location --> driving the consumer to local dealer.



Neil Patel




